How Much Does a Website Cost?

This is one of the most common questions I’m asked, and the response is always the same: it depends on the website.

Websites can vary in price from around $1 a month to $30,000 to develop and design – there are even free websites! But, the single most important thing to consider is which model fits your business and offers the most benefits at the right cost. So, it’s a game of balancing budget and the right business tools.

Price varies so much because there are so many options. You may have a personal portfolio website or you may have a full online eCommerce store with over 10,000 products. Your business may be just you or it may be a firm with 200 plus employees. Your site may feature some personal copy, an image of you, and a contact form or it may have to track packages, process payments, and teleport users to distant locations (still working on this feature).

Effectively, your website should be your number one marketing, and even for some, sales tool. To find out which fit is best for you, we offer free first time consultations.

Levy Media Marketing
Located in “The Cloud”

Telephone: +1 (480) 381-3093

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